🔆 Overview

Boomer, our esteemed client, is a technology and logistics business that excels in bridging the gap between customers and e-commerce retailers, particularly in managing merchandise returns. With our specialised expertise, we collaborate closely with Boomer to enhance their technological capabilities and optimise logistics operations, ensuring seamless transactions and heightened customer satisfaction.

🎢 Challenges

1. No Infra Team was commissioned and all the resources were not responsibly provisioned

2. Stringent Timeline(Less than a week) to bring down the AWS Montly Cost by 30%

3. Few resources did not have Resource Tags and it was difficult to identify the stakeholders

🏆 Solution

⦿ Right-Sizing: Identify underutilized or oversized instances using AWS tools like AWS Compute Optimizer or third-party tools. Adjusted instance sizes to better fit your actual resource needs according to KPI's.

⦿ AWS Cost Explorer: Utilized AWS Cost Explorer to analyze spending patterns, identify cost drivers, and optimize usage for AWS services with the most cost.

⦿ Reserved Instances: Leverage Reserved Instances for steady-state workloads to benefit from lower hourly rates compared to On-Demand instances.

⦿ Set up AWS Budgets to track and control costs associated with AWS services and resources. This allows you to set custom cost and usage budgets and receive alerts if thresholds are exceeded.

⦿ Tagging Resources: Utilize resource tagging to allocate costs to specific cost centers or departments for better cost allocation and spend visibility.

⦿ Unused resources were deleted as part of clean up wherein huge cost of Snapshots and EC2's were taken off.

📌 Tools & Technologies -

1. AWS CloudWatch

2. AWS EC2


4. AWS NACL & AWS Security Groups

5. IAM Roles & Policies


7. AWS Lambda

8. AWS Classic ELB

9. AWS S3


📈 Impact

⦿ This lead to a 30% of cost saving for the customer.

⦿ We tagged all the AWS Resources according to their Business Use Cases.

⦿ We created Budget Alarms through which Stakeholders had more visibility of the Net Spend and they then target their Business goals accordingly.

⦿ Gave optimized recommendation based on AWS best-practices, made configuration changes to better utilize resources, gave savings options, explored reserved instances for long-term cost benefits .

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